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Error Messages

Git Updater now reports a small error message on certain pages in the dashboard. The error codes are HTTP status codes. Most often the code will be either 403 or 401. If you don’t have an Access Token set for a private GitHub repo you will get a 404 error.

Error messages may also be WP_Error messages like cURL timeout errors.

Personal GitHub Access Token

There is a setting for a personal GitHub Access Token. IĀ stronglyĀ encourage everyone to create aĀ personal access token. Create one with at leastĀ repo and read:packagesĀ privileges and your rate limit will be increased to 5000 API hits per hour. Unauthenticated calls to the GitHub API are limited to 60 API calls per hour and in certain circumstances, like shared hosting, these limits will be more frequently hit. ThanksĀ mlteal.

403 – Unauthorized Access


  • usually this means that you have reached GitHub API’s rate limit of 60 hits per hour. This is informative and should go away in less than an hour. See above regarding the setting of a personal access token to eliminate this entirely.
  • a private GitHub repo without an Access Token designated in the Settings.
  • will tell you how long until GitHub API’s rate limit will be reset.

401 – Incorrect Authentication


  • incorrect Bitbucket user/pass, no read access to private Bitbucket repo
  • private Bitbucket repo not checked in Settings


  • using an incorrect private repo GitHub Access Token for a public repo
  • an incorrect Access Token for a private GitHub repo.

429 – Too Many Requests

I’ve seen this error code occasionally with Bitbucket.

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